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Canoe End Cap


Tandem Racing
Jensen II Race

Gene Jensen designed the Jensen II for the Wild Hog Race, a twisty bushwack of a race on Florida's Waccasassa River. This nimble, fast canoe quickly became a favorite of participants in the Yukon Quest Race because of its seaworthiness. The Jensen II is predictable in rough water, runs dry in waves and turns on a dime. All without sacrificing speed. Jensen II Race comes standard with the same outfitting you'll find on our racing canoes: bulkheads, composite race seats, dual sliding seats, an integrated stern footbrace and bailer.

Efficiency 9.00
Maneuverability 8.00
Capacity 8.00
Stability 8.00
Seaworthy 9.00
Length 18' 0" - (548.64cm)
Gunwale Width 37.5" - (95.25cm)
Maximum Width 37.5" - (95.25cm)
Waterline Width 32.5" - (82.55cm)
Stern Depth 18" - (45.72cm)
Center Depth 13" - (33.02cm)
Bow Depth 19" - (48.26cm)
Rocker 2" - (5.08cm)

Ultra-Light w/Aramid - 39 Lbs. / USA MSRP $4,399 USD / Canada $5,929 CAD
Ultra-Light w/Aramid - 39 Lbs.
Canada $5,929 CAD
Ultra-light hulls are stiff and incredibly light. They are ideal for speed and distance paddling and for all people or conditions that demand the lightest gear. In our Ultra-light construction a structural-foam core and ribs are laminated into the hull and sides. We also add extra fabric layers to strengthen specific targeted areas. Aluminum plates are strategically laminated into the hull. Seats, footbraces, and all hardware is then riveted into these plates. This gives a very secure connection and eliminates rivet heads on the exterior. Aramid, the fiber used for aerospace, body armor and bulletproof vests, is amazingly light and strong. We've used it for more than 30 years to construct extremely light and tough canoes. Wenonah Canoe is the worlds largest maker of canoes using Aramid.

Ultra-Light w/Aramid canoe shown with Standard Options, may not be the Jensen II Race.
Black Aluminum Trim (Std)
Self Bailer
Aramid Bucket (Hung not avail.)
Natural (skin-coat) finish
Foot Brace Adjustable Stern
Graphite Bulkheads
Ash Yoke Natural Satin
Bow and Stern Sliding Bulkhead Seats
Outfitting Options
Sling Pads on Ash Yoke - $85
Wood Gunwales (tandem) Blk. Alum. Trim - $600

Graphite Ultra-Light - 39 Lbs. / USA MSRP $4,799 USD / Canada $6,479 CAD
Graphite Ultra-Light - 39 Lbs.
Canada $6,479 CAD
Ultra-light hulls are stiff and incredibly light. They are ideal for speed and distance paddling and for all people or conditions that demand the lightest gear. In our Ultra-light construction a structural-foam core and ribs are laminated into the hull and sides. We also add extra fabric layers to strengthen specific targeted areas. Aluminum plates are strategically laminated into the hull. Seats, footbraces, and all hardware is then riveted into these plates. This gives a very secure connection and eliminates rivet heads on the exterior. A Graphite Ultra-light canoe is made the same way as an Ultra-light with Aramid, but with Graphite as the outer layer. It's ideal for paddlers desiring more stiffness in their composite canoe. Graphite transfers energy better than any of our other materials, which makes these the most crisp paddling canoes. The aesthetic appeal of a black Graphite canoe is also undeniable.

Graphite Ultra-Light canoe shown with Standard Options, may not be the Jensen II Race.
Graphite Bulkheads
Bow and Stern Sliding Bulkhead Seats
Ash Yoke Natural Satin
Natural (skin-coat) finish
Black Aluminum Trim (Std)
Foot Brace Adjustable Stern
Self Bailer
Outfitting Options
Sling Pads on Ash Yoke - $85
Wood Gunwales (tandem) Blk. Alum. Trim - $600