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Life Jacket 2XL-3XL



After a long absence, Bald Eagles are again common on the Upper Mississippi River near our home. These stunning birds may be seen almost anywhere around the river near Winona, but one particular small town a few miles upstream, Wabasha, is prime territory. The Mississippi usually remains unfrozen all winter there, which attracts large numbers of Eagles. Visit the National Eagle Center in Wabasha, MN for an up close and personal experince with these birds, including guided canoe and kayak trips through the backwaters.

As dedicated canoeists, we are deeply concerned with the environment, and we strive to have a positive impact on it.

We recycle cardboard, office paper, aluminum, newspaper, magazines, and appropriate plastics. We ship items in used boxes if we can. We distill and reuse solvents. We discard as little as possible and continually seek ways to reduce waste even further.