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Deluxe Transport Kit (Canoe)


18' Sundowner (Retired)

An economical high-performance hull good for a wide variety of uses. Excellent for new canoeists and for experienced paddlers who plan all-around use including some whitewater and extended trips.

Hull Features

  1. A medium sharp bow point to minimize water resistance for easy paddling and a long, smooth glide.
  2. Slight outward flare of the gunwales near the bow to deflect spray.
  3. The gunwale line has tumblehome from the area of the bow paddler rearward to allow room to use the paddles comfortably.
  4. Standard trim is of the highest aircraft grade, marine-anodized aluminum; 6061-T6. Wood gunwales, thwarts and seats are optional.
  5. Moderately high sides (14") to achieve good carrying capacity and dryness without excess sidewind resistance.
  6. Hull widens quickly from the bow back giving good stability and capacity, but the hull is shaped to part water smoothly not violently.
  7. A moderately high bow (20.5") to contend well with typical waves when heavily loaded, yet to avoid excessive resistance to sidewinds when lightly loaded.
  8. A graceful bow curve that runs free of weeds, sticks and leaves, etc.
  9. The lines of taper from the bow to center allow turning and control without side sliding.
  10. A straight (horizontal) keel line aids tracking and minimizes the effort expended to keep the canoe on a straight course.
  11. A nearly straight stern also aids tracking and efficient streamlining.
  12. A shallow-arched hull is best for performance, but the 18' Sundowner's arched hull is flatter than our other canoes, giving a more stable feel and greater capacity.


Maximum hull width: 36 1/2"
Maximum hull width at 4" waterline: 32 1/2"
Maximum gunwale hull width: 34 1/2"
Width at front thwart: 29 1/2"
Distance, center thwart to front thwart: 33"
Width at rear thwart: 30"
Distance center thwart to rear thwart: 29"
Weights (depends on hull material, construction and options): 40-68 lbs.